Ivy Liu Investigation

“Violation of fiduciary duty using willful misstatements of law” by “one of the most respected board members in D49 history”. This is an interesting document.

February 22, 2023

board members behavior caused

Today, D49 put out a thought exchange survey about the new organization for SY2022-2023, which resulted from the resignations of both Brett Ridgeway and Pedro Almeida. The results (as of posting this) are pretty stunning.

July 28, 2022

Lets Do Better

The D49 board is making headlines and they don’t seem like they’re putting kids first…. D49 leaders cite board posturing, lack of decorum as reasons for quitting If you’d like to read the resignation letters, they are here and here. This is bullshit. - Ivy Liu It sure is Ivy, it sure is.

July 21, 2022